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TRAVELWEEK: Feedback from the Govt. about Travel Agents, Bailouts, and one Agent's 5-Point Plan

Knowing that travel agents and commission recalls are on the radar for the federal government amid the airline bailout talks – and hearing from ACTA that it’s a matter of ‘how’, not ‘if’, commissions will be protected – is a significant light at the end of the tunnel after a very long 11 months for Canada’s travel agents.

As reported yesterday, ACTA is currently in talks with the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance has taken over the airline industry bailout file from the Ministry of Transport. “Our talks have moved on from asking that travel agents and travel agencies be protected from commission recalls, to HOW to achieve that in whatever aid package is arrived at,” said ACTA President Wendy Paradis yesterday. “We are very encouraged by this and it is becoming clear that negotiations are at a critical stage and that decisions are expected very soon.”

Now feedback sent to Travelweek from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, has underscored that positive news.



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